Library of data indicators
Read about our library of indicators for integrated data.
Read about our library of indicators for integrated data.
Evidence, data and analysis brought together by the Social Wellbeing Agency was used to support the Better Pathways Package, announced today.
We recently partnered with the New Zealand Productivity Commission on an article for Policy Quarterly.
We have published analysis into the effectiveness of different government interventions on reducing the impact of COVID-19.
The Social Wellbeing Agency (the Agency) has published updated analysis of COVID-19 vaccination uptake for disabled people.
The Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni today announced a new approach that continues to broaden the Government’s social sector focus.
We're excited to announce that the Government has endorsed the Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP).
The platform has been awarded $795,000 from the DIA Digital Government Partnership Innovation Fund.
Today we launched our Māori cultural capability and language programmes, Te Aho Kura and Kia Kaha.
Analysis shows a high prevalence of material hardship and other adverse outcomes among people receiving a main benefit.