What we deliver

Sector advice

We are the advanced, data, analytics, and insights agency for the social sector.

Actionable insights

We deliver actionable insights to key social sector decision-makers, making evidence informed decision-making easier.

Analytics and evidence

Improving social services with better decision-making begins by analysing available data about people’s lives and wellbeing.

Regional Data Explorer

Data to inform community and regional decisions

Community Insights Explorer

We have developed an explorer tool to assist with the response and recovery from adverse weather events.

Older People's Data Explorer

We have released a new data explorer on the characteristics of Aotearoa New Zealand’s older population.

What works for community hubs?

We have compiled a set of resources to support the work of community hubs focused on improving the wellbeing of children and youth.

Data systems leaders

Better decision-making is supported by safe, secure access to, and the respectful use of, people’s data and information.