The need to have social and demographic data about communities increased following the adverse weather events that impacted communities across the North Island in early 2023.
Following these events and to support communities as they recover, we developed a data explorer(external link) to bring a range of information together for decision-makers. This explorer is not intended to provide all the answers – but we hope it will help us to ask better questions.
Given the importance of understanding wellbeing alongside the impact of adverse weather events, we have also partnered with Dragonfly Data Science to understand – from satellite data – the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle for the East Coast. You can explore the Dragonfly Flood Impact map here(external link), or you will find a link to it contained within the explorer.
We would love your feedback on the explorer – particularly how you’ve used it and what additional data you’d like to see curated for community use. Questions, comments and feedback can be sent here(external link).