The Social Wellbeing Agency has developed the Dataset Assembly Tool to standardise and automate dataset assembly This tool simplifies the process of combining data from a wider range of difference sources together in a single dataset. Using the tool…
We provided the incoming Minister Responsible for the Social Wellbeing Agency, Hon Carmel Sepuloni, with this briefing in November 2020.
To measure changes in wellbeing associated social services, we’ve developed an analytical method that links administrative and survey data. In the first instance, we’ve used this method to measure the wellbeing impacts of social housing in New Zealan…
The purpose of the Place-Based Initiatives (PBI) model is to improve outcomes for at-risk children and their whānau by shifting collective decision-making and discretion to the local level. In 2016, Cabinet selected three PBI sites: Manaaki Tairāwhit…
To make social sector insights more accessible, we’ve developed a technique for producing representative timelines of people’s interactions with social services, throughout their lives. Drawing on cross-sector data, this technique enhances our abilit…